52 Coffees Podcast with Cindee Williams

Lessons Learned from Letting Go

Cindee Williams Episode 7

This is the time of year that we’re not only celebrating our mom’s but also many mothers are bracing themselves for the dreaded empty nest.

Tune in today for a special mother / daughter episode on the lessons we’ve learned from letting go – from both sides of the fence. Our guest and my daughter Megan Williams will share with us about her leaving home at age sixteen to attend a ballet conservatory across the country. How she learned to face rejection and adversity at a young age. Plus fighting loneliness after graduating from college and being on your own for the first time as an adult.

Great takeaways for both mom’s and daughters! Make sure to tune in and Happy Mother’s Day!

This podcast is sponsored by LEAD My Life, a dynamic community of women and leadership coaching program, designed to help you unlock the life of your dreams - no matter what stage of life you're in. Go to leadmylife.com to learn more.